Vanquished: Breath of Death | 1 | (Paperback) by Anita R. Eschler


Book 1 of the Vanquished Trilogy by author Anita R. Eschler


Rule One: Don’t sleep
Rule Two: Hold your breath

Rae independently survives on a daily basis in an anguished world riddled with terrifying creatures; Breathers.
Survival is only possible by implementing a set of Rules her father sternly enforced throughout their years together before he was murdered…

But will those Rules keep Rae safe from everything?
Will they keep her safe from a man named Xander?

Rae swiftly discovers that she has a higher purpose and that she is more than just a lowly survivor… but mostly she learns that some rules are meant to be broken in order to live.

But the most important rule: Don’t. Fall. In. Love.

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Additional information

Weight 0.69 kg
Dimensions 21.59 × 3.12 × 13.97 cm





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